Kidnapped at Birth!!!!!

It’s been a long time since I’ve made a post!!

We have been born in sin and shaped in iniquity. But we have also been made in the image and likeness of God.

Q: Why would a child not know it’s parent after being born? Well, in hospitals you have people like doctors and nurses that will come take the baby for testing or bloodwork. If the baby were to stay away forever such as adoption or kidnapping, when they get older they will start to see something isn’t right and go searching for the biological parents. But many don’t want to get close to their biological parents because it forces them to change something they’ve done for years, forces them to know their true selves, and build relationships with someone they don’t know. But in kidnapping stories the parent normally searches for their child earnestly and is filled with joy when they return. Kinda like the prodigal son. They may be mad at the biological parents more than the fake ones who kidnapped them against their own will. But the good thing about God is He loves us unconditionally, even in sin. He loves us even when He is not at fault for what happened.

Genesis 3:14-19

 God said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this,
Cursed are you more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you will go,
And dust you will eat
All the days of your life;

      And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.”

To the woman He said,
“I will greatly multiply
Your pain in childbirth,
In pain you will bring forth children;
Yet your desire will be for your husband,
And he will rule over you.”

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
Cursed is the ground because of you;
In toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life.

      “Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;

      By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.”

Being that we are born in sin and shaped in iniquity we have to 1. renew our minds, 2. Cleanse us by removing the sin, 3. Know who we truly are in Him. Anything outside of how our body is created is sin. That goes for our own perceived thoughts on our sexuality.

Some of us are born into this world not the exact way God desired. That is with both parents male and female who God has put together to multiply, replenish, and subdue the earth. But that’s sin!!! It’s not an excuse to continue in sin!

When we bring children into this world we are responsible for showing them the way and we are held accountable for it. If we are letting them grow up how they want or how we did we will answer to that decision. If how we grew up was not on God and we let our children do the same, that’s called a generational curse. It’s not, aww look at my mini me. You aught to feel remorse because you are not in the right place yourself and you think they will have a better opportunity living in sin? No, it will be worse for them! Because you have given that demon authority over their life! We are not to hinder a child from coming to the Lord. We should not have to have someone who has committed their lives completely to the Lord deliver your child from what God gave you the responsibility of doing. There is a death sentence on your child as soon as they are born. But Jesus has come to give us life and life more abundantly! They may not have died naturally but physically they have. I’m so grateful that my children know my voice and they won’t follow a strangers voice. I teach them the ways of the Lord to prepare them. Yes my circumstances may not be the best but that’s no excuse. I will never abandon my children because I love them so much and long for them to have a chance into heaven and fulfill God’s will. Even if it’s through my pain and suffering.

Why do the Righteous Suffer?

How much are you willing to suffer, to do and take for God’s glory? The song says, “For your glory, I will do anything”. Will you do anything? What if it requires losing everything you worked hard for? What if it requires a Job experience, where you lose your family, health, and wealth. Are you truly sold out for God or is it just words? What if it requires giving up the habits you have, the boyfriend/girlfriend that you’ve had for years and maybe even had kids with? What if it’s your immediate family? What if it’s your car, your house, your friends, your church you’ve been at for years? Your traditionalist/religious ways? What if it requires losing a child/children? God said the sufferings (all )of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. God said, that after you have suffered a while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal GLORY in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. He did that for Job. Are you willing to go through for His glory? The glory will only be revealed if you go through the fight. We can’t fight this fight with our fists, money, hurting other people physically. God said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God and the pulling down of strongholds. So we have to fight that good fight of faith and speak those things that be not as though they were. He gets the glory out of your situation, not you. That’s why He is in control. If He gave you control over your situation, people would be dead. But God gave us the power through His Holy Spirit. He said after the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you shall receive POWER!!!! We have power to Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. Meaning, He’s delivered you, deliver someone from their bondage. HOW MUCH POWER DO YOU HAVE!!!! His power does not run out as if you didn’t pay you BG&E bill, or electric bill for the non-Baltimorians.

To Whom It May Concern:

 You may think you can fool man but you can’t fool God. You may think that you have this relationship with God where you talk to Him everyday. You may state it, or post it on Facebook post biblical scriptures, but you have no relationship. You say “Lord I did this in your name” and Christ says, “I never knew you”. Because you have no relationship with Him. It’s a false relationship. Even Satan communicated with God. One instance is when he went to God about someone who fears God. And God asked him, “ Have you tried my servant Job?” God told him he can do what he wants but don’t touch him. How different are you compared to Satan. Do you communicate with God, do you have a relationship with God or do you just speak about Him. How close is your relationship with Him. Does He know you? I’m sure He does. Do you know Him? Do you know how He speaks, what He thinks? Do you know His thoughts and ways? Or is it your ways that are being displayed. The bible says When we are in Christ old things are past away all things are made new. What things haven’t passed away? What things are you still holding on to? What things are made new? Have you allowed Christ to make you new? Or are you holding on to your ways that are not of God. Not saying everything we do is wrong. But are you holding on to it. God grants us choices but He also condemns and judges us for our choices. He said choose ye this day whom ye will serve. He is a jealous God. He doesn’t want you to serve idols. Idols are things like money, a man, a woman, a job, a car, a house, a pastor, a church, etc. Look at the children of Israel. He sent judges because they forgot what God said after one died. It’s like when we go into a high praise and it’s like we forget what God said when we come down. How is it possible? I guess we just pick and choose what fits us. “I’m not sinning, He’s not talking about me” But He said I’m going to get money coming my way, Hallelujah! While I’m living in sin. Then after the judges there came kings who had the mind and heart after Him. There was David and Solomon. Job was a Governor. You have Paul who was an Apostle. What about you? Are you a king or are you just some person with no power? You can’t have a relationship with God by just going to church or being a friend of a pastor or even growing up in the church. God desires more from us. We call ourselves Christians. Christ desires us to have our minds transformed. Romans 12:1 says I beseech ye therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. That’s the least we can do not just doing our daily tasks that we did before we came to Him. He wants us to transform our mind, in order to be different we have to transform our mind because we are to be in this world and not of it. The reason we are not of this world is because we have the mind after Christ. We wont be transformed if we don’t have the mind after Christ. What if Paul when he was Saul, kept his old things. Paul was killing a lot of Christians. That’s not drawing all men to God. If we lift God up He would do it. Who are we lifting up more? We lift up facebook, social media, the ebola virus, our success, etc. But we aren’t drawing anyone to Christ. Of course we are blessed but He doesn’t want us to be prideful. Pride goes before destruction. Job was said to be prideful. God allowed Satan to take Job’s family wealth and health but Job still served God. What about us? If that was to happen to us we would ask why God? Well are you a servant for God? Doesn’t seem like we are. We go to church every Sunday in our priestly attire but in our hearts we are hating each other. We aren’t practicing the ten commandments. We are not even doing the greatest commandments! We are putting on this display that we are holy holy holy! Only one that is Holy is God! We think we are supposed to be a perfect being but the only one who’s perfect is Christ.